General FAQs
Abstract Submission
Conference Registration
The Gelyda Conference 2025 uses the conference management service Oxford abstracts, for handling absracts. Abstracts can only be submitted through its submission form.
Papers and presentations could be in English.
Abstract submission deadline is the 31st Januar 2025
Reviewers will review the abstract and after the reviewing progress you will be informed if the abstract has been accepted or rejected.
Symposium organizers are responsible for submitting each abstract individually in the submission form. You will need to write the symposium title in the "symposium title" box so the organizing committee can group them together.
We ask all authors to be available for presentation at any time during the conference, including both the first and last sessions. However should you have an unavoidable time constraint, we can try to take this into consideration when allocating time slots. This is only possible in the first phase of programme planning, so please inform us as soon as possible. Please note that we may not be able to accommodate all requests.
You might be asked by the Scientific Committee to make some minor changes to your abstract (such as spelling mistakes). Otherwise, it will not be possible to change your abstract once it has been submitted.
Yes – we would still be glad for you to attend the conference even though you will not be presenting your own work.
Each parallel session is 90 minutes.
The programme planners aim to group submissions with similar topics into a session. Please note that requests of authors to move their presentation to a different session which they would find more suitable cannot be considered.
There can be three - five papers in each symposium.
Gelyda does not publish conference proceedings but a book of abstracts will be available.
We ask you to bring your presentation on a USB memory stick if you are using slides. You should also consider an online backup option such as send it to yourself by email or using cloud storage solution such as OneDrive or Google Drive.
For Presenters
Yes – in order to attend the conference and present your work you must be a registered participant.
No – we are unable to provide this option.
A card payment through the registration site that will be advertised soon.
Registration will close in May 2024
The conference ticket includes entry to all the scientific sessions of the conference including keynote plenaries and parallel sessions. The registration fee includes coffee breaks on all conference days. It also includes the welcome reception. Please note that lunch is not included and the conference dinner needs to be paid for especially.
Please contact to request an invoice.
At the time of registration please tell us about any dietary requirements you have
At the time of registration please tell us about any accessibility requirements you have and we will seek to accommodate these we are able to accommodate.